Basic Obedience with Food Training

Behaviour Redirection

Puppies first few weeks

At Fortiscorde all members of the family are involved in raising the puppies we breed. Their time spent with us and their mother is crucial to their development before they head off to their new home. Our preference is for the puppies to remain with their mother for 8 weeks. Some breeders may allow puppies […]

The Stages of Puppy Growth

Some of us, when we think of a puppy, imagine an adorably tiny dog that can barely open his eyes stumbling around as he explores the world. Others see a whirlwind of doggy energy that can’t keep still for a second because there are too many balls to chase, things to smell, and things to wee […]

How to stop your dog from whining

    This exercise is the beginning of a long slog of patience training, starting with sessions of two minutes and building up to 10 minutes. The second exercise would be where the other members of the group walk forward and throw a retrieve for their own dog and once again your dog will have […]