Fortiscorde Gundog Group Training classes** are designed to be relaxed and informative and open to all working gundog breeds.  Our group training classes are aimed at both individuals who plan to ‘work’ their gundogs as well as those who just want to use gundog training as a stimulating environment in which to train a calm and obedient companion.


Weekly on Sunday’s 9am-10am (£15 per dog)
This Gundog group training session is aimed at dogs of any age who are new to gundog training, or have attended our puppy class and looking to continue further with their training.  This class will focus on learning and improving the Fortiscorde Foundations:

  • Loose lead and heel walking
  • Recall
  • Retrieving
  • Food Training

N.B Entry requirements – Open to pups 5 months+ (no maximum age). Must have attended either our Puppy Class or a 1:1 lesson with a Fortiscorde Trainer.

Dates: Sundays – 9am-10am
February: 2nd, 9th, 16th & 23rd
March: 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th
April: 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th

To Book Email: info@fortiscordegundogs.co.uk

LEVEL ONE (Beginners) & TWO GUNDOG (Intermediate) TRAINING

Our popular Fortiscorde Gundog Group Training Level One (Beginners) & Two (Intermediate) Gundog training returns for 2025 with a new structure.

These are now run as ongoing training groups, allowing people to attend regular group training sessions and progress at their own pace. Held fortnightly on Sundays 10:30am – 12:30pm at a cost of £35 per dog.  Assessments can be held for those who wish to progress through our grades – however an assessment is not essential.
Aimed at handlers and dogs who are looking to progress with their training to improve skill levels, challenge dogs in their training with more complicated distractions, longer distances and different scenarios.

Beginners/Level One:

  • Recall
  • Loose Lead Walking
  • Retrieving & Hand-off
  • Steadiness/Distractions
  • Whistle training

Intermediate/Level Two:

  • Recall & Stop Whistle
  • Retrieving (distance, distraction, duration)
  • Hunting
  • Quartering
  • Directional retrieving
  • Whistle Training
  • Varied scenarios

N.B Entry requirements – Open to dogs 6 months+ (no maximum age).   Dogs must have a good recall around other dogs and be safe off-lead. Intermediates will require handlers to have greater recall control and be able to stop their dog at a distance.

Dates: Sundays 10:30am-12:30pm
9th February – Level TWO
16th February – Level ONE
23rd February – Level TWO
2nd March – Level ONE
9th March – Level TWO
16th March – Level ONE
23rd March – Level TWO
30th March – Level ONE
6th April – Level TWO
13th April – Level ONE
20th April – Level TWO
27th April – Level ONE

Sessions are £35 per dog.  To Book Email: info@fortiscordegundogs.co.uk 


Making use of our new grounds at Studley, these advanced training sessions are aimed at more experienced handlers and those working their dogs at a more advanced level.

Sessions will be promoted in advance and will include:

  • Water training days
  • Advanced Hunting and Retrieving Workshops
  • Cold Game exercises
  • Simulated Shoots
  • Working Test Scenarios
  • Mock Walk-up Days


Making the most of the long evenings, from Tuesday 6th May to 26th August we host our popular ‘Evening Training’ every Tuesday evening 7-9pm.   Training topics will be varied and sessions are designed to practice, challenge and develop gundog and handler skills. We will try and offer as much variety during these group sessions from novice through to advance and simulated walk-ups, hunting and retrieving etc to give everyone an opportunity to learn, whatever their level.  These evening sessions are a great top-up in addition to your 1-2-1 training and are a fabulous social event with a drop of cider (non-alcoholic options too!) and home-cooked sausage rolls afterwards. Always a sell-out – booking in advance is essential.  Cost for evening training  is £35 per dog per session.

WEEK-DAY GROUP TRAINING – Tuesdays & Fridays 10am-12pm

For those flexible enough to attend group training during the weekday, we offer some group training sessions on Tuesday and Friday mornings.
Current training dates available are:
Tuesday 11th February
Tuesday 25th February
Friday 14th March
Tuesday 25th March
Friday 11th April

Sessions are £35 per dog. To Book Email: info@fortiscordegundogs.co.uk 

Fortiscorde Gundogs training ground is located in Stourport on Severn and set in 20 acres of open fields with woods and various types of training cover.


Puppy Classes are held once a month (Saturday) between February and October.   Suitable for puppies from 16weeks up to 6 months. These popular classes offer plenty of support, advice and fun training techniques you can use with your pup during their early months. We cover all the key gundog #FortiscordeFoundations you need to be teaching your puppy during its first few months to build your bond and embed the essentials for a calm and obedient companion. Pre-booking is essential – limited places available.  Cost for the puppy class is £35 per dog.   For full details of our puppy class can be found here. N.B. Puppy Classes are a one-off, group lesson. Booking in advance is essential to avoid disappointment as these classes are always sold out. Email us at: info@fortiscordegundogs.co.uk or message us on Face Book to book your lessons.

Puppy Class Dates & Information click Here

We look forward to welcoming you to training! From the Fortiscorde team!

To book any training or for more details email: info@fortiscordegundogs.co.uk 

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